Thursday, October 8, 2015

Back To Baltimore Up and Running!

    When I tell my friends and family I work for a summer camp they always say to me, "Wow that sounds great!  What do you do the rest of the year?"  I stand there like a deer in headlights with no idea what to say, those who have never done it, never lived, just wouldn't understand anyways... So I just give the generic answer, "Well, we start planning for next summer, you know... Staffing, recruiting, business operations." I then hear them mumble under there breath, "Yeah... Ok, nothing... sounds like a dream"  If only they knew how HARD we really work.  Jill, Fred, Allison and of course myself put in a lot of hours and a lot of work to put together the production of Your summer experience.  Trust me is not nothing, but it is a dream, a dream world we strive to create for children and teens.  A world where you can be free to express your self, you can succeed in everything, a dream world where you meet the best friends and build the strongest relationships you will ever make.  Already Jill has visited 3 new prospective family's, we have started to put out strong feelers for staff,  begun putting together a shell calendar of programming, and started the last steps of finishing the journals, look for those soon!  WOW, we have only been back to work for 3 days! So many things are in the works for 2016, such a great core group of returning staff, and the best early bird enrollment in my 9 years of working at Timber Ridge.  The buzz in the office is electric for this time of year as leads roll in.  Allison is working with Google to complete the virtual tour, Jill is contacting family's and potential hires for key staff, and I am busting out Journals and keeping the business aspects of camp rolling.  Jill and I drove up to camp yesterday to check out the closing process, camp is all buttoned down, locked up and put away.  Bill and Bill are just working on the last few steps to make sure nothing gets damaged in the West Virginia winter.  We enjoyed walking around reminiscing so much that we didn't get back to Baltimore until 7pm.
    We always look forward to hearing what your are doing, where you are, how your sports teams are performing, any awards you have received, plays you have acted in, or really anything else you want to tell us! We will publish them in our blog and newsletters for all of your Timber Ridge Family to see.
   We also love to talk to your friends about camp, so if you have any friends or family who would like to talk camp please send them our way or give them our email or phone number.

Keep in Touch and keeping checking our blog, your mailbox and our website for updates, information and news!
