Tuesday, August 2, 2016

One two three four we want Color War

War is about to break out at Timber Ridge, Color War that is.  Not yet but close!  The children are waiting in anticipation.  The themes are still a mystery.   Last night was an amazing Talent Show.  The little girls danced for the camp with Sydney Thune, all of 8years old, being the choreographer and directing a crew of 8 across the stage with flips, turns and twists.  Daniel Zuhen took over the Baby Grand with a concert your mouth would drop open to hear.  How long have you played the piano Daniel? ,  11years ( he is 15) just amazing!  Siena Dibene played the piano and sang she is ready for the Voice.  Sophia Blake got up and sang, where has she been hiding the talent she showed?   Marissa Kubin and Maggie Milligan danced solos and were great.  I can not forget our talented staff:  Rachel McNear, who is way too talented, Lee Neemer Shay Kleinman, and Chris Shoff who sang their own song of "Camp children don't cry" about past homesickness and of course the solo by Shay Kleinman of "Halleuijah"  This has been a heartfelt amazing summer.  We have grown as a family and a team so seeing these young adult and children go back to their lives leaves a sadness for those we may not see again.  However, they have grown and their lives will be forever changed as a result of their time here.  One, two three four we are ready for Color War!