We are in full swing right now. Jill is working on getting new campers. Uncle Fred is in last few days of recovery after his back surgery and getting stronger every single day. Alex is making sure business goes smoothly on a day to day basis. And I am currently finishing the journals full of your favorite camp memories and working on our next newsletter to send out. We are busy trying to make your summer even more memorable than the last.
I just want to give you a quick update and just take a moment and take a few minutes to discuss something very special with you. I had the chance to sit down with friend last week and with it being Veterans Day I just wanted to take a few second of your time. Uncle Fred was a veteran and he was also the one responsible for changing so many children's lives. He is responsible for relationships, for children laughing, crying, sharing, and changing. Children that have gone to Timber Ridge, Camp White Mountain or Camp Green Briar with Uncle Fred have changed for the better and were never the same after camp. They grew up at camp, the changed to be more humble, or they have just became a better person. And all of this was from one idea that Uncle Fred had and he acted on it.
So when your thanking your veterans today. Do not forget to thank Uncle Fred for all of the amazing accomplishments that he was able to achieve in just one life time.
I wrote this as my personal thank you to him. And I want to thank all of the other veterans out there. Have an amazing day.
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