Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Always Good To Hear from our Alumni!

Fred –

Happy Birthday.

I cannot believe you are “just” 85.  I attended Tall Timbers, White Mountain, and Green Briar (counselor at all three – maybe the only one) from ’62 to ’67 (camper, CIT, Jr. Counselor and Counselor).  I taught riflery and, at Tall Timbers, skeet shooting.

You imparted such wisdom and counsel then, to think that you were only 35 then is amazing.  I learned a lot from you.

If you remember, my wife Jeannie and I with our young son Matthew visited Timber Ridge for a day back in the ‘90’s.  You gave us the tour, and I saw my old cabin plaque (Rolling Stones) on the Green Briar rafters (see GreenBriar picture attached).

One other story – one day in 1965 when I was a White Mountain counselor, you and Herb came strolling along in the cabin area across from the pool carrying a sledge hammer.  There had always been this cement block in the field, and it turns out this was a time capsule from 1955, the first year.  You and Herb broke it open and included in the stuff was a list of first year attendees, which included my cousin Douglas Pollack.  That was pretty cool.

I also started playing Frisbee summer of 1965, so this June marks 50 years of Frisbee playing.  I have been playing and competing since 1965, and perhaps that never would have happened without that summer experience.


Phil Pollack

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